Currency | Sell | Buy (Cheque) | Buy (Cash) |
USD | 158.80 | 151.80 | 139.30 |
GBP | 213.30 | 206.70 | 203.20 |
CAD | 119.00 | 112.40 | 109.40 |
EUR | 180.40 | 173.10 | 170.10 |
Effective Date: September 19, 2024 10:59 AM (Rates are subject to change)
If you are an existing customer, you may open any savings account via Personal Online Banking - Under Quick Links --> New Account.
National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited is a strong and secure organization committed to serving its customers' financial needs. This commitment extends to the services offered on our online internet banking platform; tested and proven to secure your personal information.
We are serious about protecting your privacy and the security of your banking information. NCB uses advanced technology to protect the confidentiality of your financial activities while you are transacting business online.
We guarantee full reimbursement of funds removed from your NCB accounts in the unlikely event that through no fault of yours someone you have not authorized or provided with your login information, removes those funds through our online services.