Live Differently

At its core, wealth is a lifestyle in as much as it is a frame of mind and as such it should be created, harnessed, and preserved to your liking and preferences. This is why we have curated a series of insurance and retirement products designed to help you protect and preserve the wealth you have so carefully amassed.


Let us help you craft an insurance portfolio that protects what matters; providing you with peace of mind and financial freedom to truly enjoy your lifestyle of focusing on the things that matter most to you. We provide insurance products that allow for:

  • Income Replacement
  • Asset Protection
  • Wealth Preservation
  • Creation & transfer of intergenerational wealth


Then go further by investing in your retirement so you can preserve the lifestyle you carefully created, utilising our top-performing approved SMART Retirement Plan.

These funds are comprised of a multiplicity of financial instruments designed to deliver above average returns on your retirement funds:

  • Balanced Fund – Bonds money markets, equities loans, leases, mortgages, and real estate.
  • High Yielding Fund – Ordinary shares, Preference shares, mezzanine financing, lease financing and some fixed instruments.
  • Real Estate Fund – Primarily in residential and commercial properties, property financing and Real Estate Investment Trusts.